Hey, That Reminds Me of Tetris!
If you stop and think about it, elements of Tetris pop up quite a bit in everyday life. Here's a few examples we picked up on.
Have you ever started seeing Tetris in the real world? No, we don't mean actual Tetriminos running around! We're talking about real-life circumstances and situations which remind you of Tetris.
If you play as much Tetris as we do, you probably see correlations all over the place. Here are a few surprising places where elements of Tetris pop up!
If Only Parking Were as Easy as Tetris
Photo Credit: © Gudellaphoto - stock.adobe.com
Any trip to your local supermarket or mall can become a nightmare when you hit the parking lot. There, you’ll spend a ridiculous amount of time driving around trying to find the right place for your car. It's all about finding the one open spot where you car fits perfectly, all while snuggling in with the other vehicles.
Hey, this sounds familiar! While the shapes of cars may not be as exotic as Tetriminos, there's no doubt that parking and Tetris share a lot in common. Swap out your game controller for a steering wheel, and you're basically playing Tetris when trying to park. Although, the stakes can be a bit higher in real-life than in Tetris. After all, we'd take a Tetris loss over a parking accident any day!
Why We Need Tetrimino Luggage
Packing is something many of us have a lot of experience with. Whether it’s boxing up your belongings for a big move to a new home, or helping your child gather their gear for a first year at college, we all have scenarios where we’re confronted with packing. Trying to fit your life into a few boxes, then cramming those boxes into a smaller space, can be a frustrating endeavor.
That said, there's no denying the similarities between packing and Tetris. As a matter of fact, you might be able to use your Tetris skills to help you pack! Whenever you're having friends or family over to help you pack up, you can tell who the Tetris player is. They always see a way of stacking your belongings in a way no one else catches.
Tetris on Aisle Five
There's a real art to food shopping. Be it a cart-worthy trip or a shopping basket excursion, you're given a limited amount of space to fit in the items you need. Of course, the goodies you're looking to grab come in all shapes and sizes, and you have to figure out how to slot them in. Those of us who play Tetris can make a game out of a supermarket trip!
We take pride in finding the best place to nestle in an oversized box of cereal or a pesky jar of peanut butter. Once we hit the counter, the Tetris game intensifies as we’re met with the need to bag our items up neatly. Despite this, bagging your groceries the Tetris way helps make everything a bit more fun!
Have you seen anything in your daily life which reminds you of Tetris? We're sure there's all sorts of examples out there. You can find Tetris in almost anything if you look hard enough! Fortunately, you don’t have to search for Tetris today because it’s right here on our website. Click here to give it a go!