How to Add Tetris Organization to Your Thanksgiving Dinner
Thanksgiving can be both fun, as well as chaotic. To help smooth things out, try applying your Tetris skills to your holiday plans!
Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday where families come together to celebrate all the things they’re thankful for. There’s delicious food, conversation, and sometimes even a round of Tetris after dinner (if your family is like ours).
However, the process of getting everything ready, setting up for the feast, and cleaning up afterwards can be a daunting task. To help make your holiday a little less stressful, we’ve put together a few tips on how Tetris can improve your Thanksgiving Day experience!
A Table Full of Tetriminos

Photo Credit: ©Elnur –
The first order of business on Thanksgiving is preparing the feast. Even if you have a few helping hands working to get everything in order, this process can still be hectic. You need to bake a turkey, then time and prep everything else to coincide with the turkey’s completion. To help, try to organize everything on your table like Tetriminos.
This will help prevent you from forgetting something important, and ensure everything is within reach right when you need it. Start with the turkey and stuffing prep. Before you prepare your bird, line up everything you’re going to need on the counter. Meanwhile, have your oven pre-heating in the background. On one side of the counter, lay out your stuffing ingredients.
On the other side, make room for your turkey in the pan. With your stuffing ingredients ready to go, all you need to do is mix, then transfer everything over to the turkey. Once your turkey is baking in the oven, clean up and begin the next prep stage. What else are you making? How long does it take to cook, and what do you need to prepare it?
Try to take out the things you need before you make them, and set a timer for what foods need to be cooked when. Think of it like a game of Tetris Marathon. The more you get done (or the more lines you clear), the faster you’ll need to go until you can finally sit down and enjoy your hard work.
Dinner Tetris with Square Plates
If you look closely at the Tetriminos in Tetris, you’ll notice that they’re all comprised of tiny, square blocks. When dinnertime finally rolls around, the next round of Thanksgiving Tetris begins.
Somehow, you’ll need to find a way to arrange all the food out on your table (or countertops) to ensure your guests can load up their plates with ease. Meanwhile, you’ll also need to ensure your table is set up in such a way that everyone can sit together without jostling for space. One way to accomplish this is by swapping out your traditional, circular or oval plates for square plates.
With square plates, it’s easier to arrange your finished foods next to one another. Additionally, it will make things easier for your guests should they require more than one plate to keep certain foods separate.
No matter how you decide to play Tetris on Thanksgiving, the important things to remember are organization and to just relax and enjoy the moment. The dishes can wait! Best of all, once everyone is digesting, you can always kick back on the couch and play a few rounds of Tetris together!
Share your holiday organizing skills with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Looking to stay a few steps ahead by practicing your Tetris moves? Click here to play Tetris for free on our website!