Playing Tetris to Unwind
If the day has beaten you down and left you feeling miserable, a few rounds of Tetris before you head to bed may have you feeling quite a bit better.
Ever have a day where you didn't want to get out of bed? It's almost like the bed itself is begging for you to stay snuggled up. Unfortunately, the real world keeps calling, and you're forced to drag yourself out from under the covers. From the second your feet hit the floor, you know it's going to be a rough day.
You'd like to think you can get out from under the run-down feeling you started the day with, but as the day rolls on, you realize it's pretty much impossible. There's some days where the cobwebs can't be shaken loose! You crawl your way through the day, waiting for the moment you walk through your front door and collapse on the couch.
Usually by that time, the sun has already set and you can barely keep from feeling like a zombie. Believe it or not, this could be the perfect time for a few rounds of Tetris. There's no doubt we all work hard. There are bills to pay and family members to take care of. Some days we can push through it all without any trouble.
Other days it feels like the normal tasks we take on are absolutely insurmountable challenges. You have to keep pushing on and get through everything thrown at you. This is when having a bit of fun in mind can help you get through the tough moments.

Photo Credit: ©Tetris Online
You don't want to have a day where 100% of the time you're doing things for other people! Everyone needs a little "me" time, even if it's only a few minutes. When the time comes for you to call it a day and slip into bed, why not grab your phone or dedicated portable device for a bit of Tetris?
Tetris has a great way of making your worries melt away. When you get into a good session, your thoughts of how tough the day was soon fall into the back of your mind. You're left to focus on the game at hand. Every element of the day which bothered you quickly becomes forgotten. All that's left now is you, your bed, and some Tetris fun.
I can tell you first-hand about how great it feels to play Tetris before bed. I had a particularly challenging day recently. It was jam-packed with tons of work, struggles around every corner, and the constant barrage never let me take a break. As the hours went on, all I could think about was getting some time to myself.
When it was finally time to call it a day, I wanted to do something for me. I wanted to have some moments to myself in the day before I went to sleep and started the work routine all over again. So, I grabbed my dedicated portable device and fired up my Tetris game. There were no lights on in the room, no other electronics humming or buzzing. It was completely pitch black aside from the glow of the Tetris game I was playing.
I put in 15 minutes with the game, and in that short amount of time, it worked wonders on my psyche. When I ended my game, I honestly felt so much more relaxed. I had a part of the day where I had nothing to worry about outside of fun, and the comfort of my bed. It's actually something I've done a few times over the years, and it always leaves me feeling pretty great.
All I can say is, don't knock it until you've tried it. While it may seem like a silly idea at first, you'll quickly be surprised with how much a bit of Tetris can turn your day around. A little fun goes a long way, and it could be the key to starting off the next day with a better mindset. Just make sure you don't stay up all night playing!
Why not take a little break right now by enjoying some Tetris for free on
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Tetris Online, Inc.