Creating the Perfect Tetris Blanket
A look at how this Tetris fan created a one-of-a-kind Tetris blanket.
Carrie Lambertsen is a long-time Tetris fan with some impressive creative talents. In her spare time, she creates one-of-a-kind crafts, one of which caught the eye of countless Tetris fans.
It's not hard to see why as Carrie’s unique Tetris blanket is a wonderful tribute to the game. It looks perfect for snuggling up in whether you’re playing a few rounds of Tetris, or simply enjoying a relaxing evening at home.
We were curious as to how Carrie came up with the idea for her Tetris blanket, and what the process of creating it was like, so we decided to ask her some of our most burning questions!
Q: Tell us a little bit more about you, and how you first got into Tetris.
A: “I’ve always loved Tetris! I was lucky enough to be the perfect age for it when it released on the NES and Nintendo Gameboy systems (I was 7 at the time). My brother and I played it every chance we could get and have followed along with it as new releases have come out. It is just such a perfect game!”
Q: What’s your favorite Tetris game, do you play often? Do you have any go-to strategies or combos that you recommend?
A: “My favorite Tetris game of all time was the Game Boy version that released in 1989 because I have so many fond memories of playing with my brother using a cable that could link our Game Boys together. We played that everywhere (even camping trips) and it was probably the original game that started our love of online gaming together. Currently the version I play the most is the Tetris by EA for my iPhone. It’s so handy having it on my phone and playing it everywhere. As for go-to strategies… I’m not a good enough player to give advice! You’d be better off not listening to me!”

Q: How long have you been quilting and crocheting, and what are some of your favorite things about the process of quilting/crocheting?
A: “I taught myself how to quilt and crochet using YouTube tutorials about ten years ago. I love both, but it is so nice to be able to constantly have a crochet project going that I can take anywhere and work on while watching TV or sitting outside in the sunshine. Quilting isn’t as mobile! With both activities, I just love the ability to create something, especially when you can come up with your own pattern based on something you love, as I did with the Tetris blanket.”
Q: Tell us more about the initial spark that inspired you to create your very own Tetris blanket. How did it all come together?
A: “I saw on Pinterest some other bloggers who had created some 8-bit style blankets which looked incredible. I immediately thought of how perfect Tetris would be for that and how beautiful a blanket it would be.”
Q: What was one of the biggest challenges you faced while creating the Tetris blanket, and how did you overcome it?
A: “It’s a pretty simple pattern overall. I basically just made a bunch of granny squares in the colors I needed and then attached them together following a pattern I drew out of a Tetris game. The biggest challenge was simply the patience required. I was so excited for the blanket to be done that I wanted it to go faster!”

Q: Why do you think it’s important for people to create items by hand, like the Tetris blanket?
A: “I think it is so important to be able to create something yourself. To feel something tactile and see a finished product and know that you created it. Although I am a huge geek and play tons of video games, there is something special about stepping away from a screen and making something with your hands and imagination. You continually learn as you are working and engage your brain in ways that it often isn’t used. Plus, there are beautiful results when you are done that can boost your self-esteem!”
Q: What has the overall response to your Tetris blanket been among your friends and family? Who’s been the biggest supporter of your creative projects?
A: “They loved it! Actually, I ended up giving the blanket to my brother because he loved it so much… so now I need to make another one for myself! While all my family has been amazing at supporting me in all my creative endeavors, my husband and my brother have both been my biggest fans. They are so encouraging and often come up with ideas for things they would like me to make. My to-do list for them both is so long, I will probably never finish it all!”

Q: Do you receive a lot of requests from fans to create them a Tetris blanket of their very own, or new blanket ideas they’d like you to make?
A: “I have received a few requests for Tetris blankets and similar styles. Mostly it seems people want something unique and special, so although they may want the same theme (such as Tetris) they want a different design so they end up with a one-of-a-kind blanket. I think that is the wonderful thing about handmade items- no two items are the same!”
Q: Are you working on any other Tetris crafts, or have plans to create another custom Tetris project in the future?
A: “Right now I am working on making a design for Tetris pillows for the couch in my game room. They would be pillows in the shapes of the Tetris pieces, and I think they will look really cute! Also, since my brother now has my blanket, I need to make another Tetris blanket for myself!”
Q: Lastly, what advice would you give someone looking to try their hand at a Tetris craft project, like creating their own blanket?
A: “Do it and have fun! Even if it doesn’t go as you planned or you are unhappy with the result, you learn a lot from trying and you can always try again. Working on the project should bring just as much joy as the finished result, so remember to have fun with it and enjoy the process!”

We thank Carrie for taking the time to answer our questions, and for her inspirational Tetris blanket idea. If you want to check out more of Carrie’s creative designs, be sure to head over to her blog.
Even though we’re not as talented as Carrie, we can’t help but want to try our hands at creating a Tetris blanket of our own… wish us luck!
While creating custom crafts, don't forget to take a quick Tetris break or two. Click here to play Tetris!