5 Great Places to Play Tetris Blitz
Looking for a game to keep you occupied while you're out and about? Why not try Tetris Blitz?
Tetris Blitz is an incredible puzzle experience that you can download on your mobile phone or tablet and take with you wherever you go. With quick 2-minute Tetris matches and approachable one-touch controls, it’s hard not to get hooked on Tetris Blitz.
Considering how Tetris Blitz is both quick and portable, you may wonder what the best places to enjoy the game are. Well, we put together a list of 5 great places to play Tetris Blitz based on our own personal experiences.
Bored at the DMV

Photo Credit: © Electronic Arts
Sometimes, nothing feels worse than having to go to the DMV. Whether you’re renewing your license, or handling the paperwork for a new car, the DMV can be a real drag.
As you sit there in those hard plastic seats waiting for your number to be called, it’s easy to feel time ticking away slower than usual. Whenever you look up, everyone around you seems to be intently focused on their phones. Just like you, they’re all trying to pass the time until they can head home.
This is the perfect time for you to try out Tetris Blitz.
The great thing about Tetris Blitz is that you can play it for long periods of time (yes, even a DMV period of time) and never get bored. The last time we had to sit things out at the DMV, time flew by thanks to having Tetris Blitz available on our phones!
Waiting to be Seated at a Restaurant

Photo Credit: © Electronic Arts
Many of us go to restaurants during peak dinner hours in the hopes of a quick meal, only to learn from the host or hostess that the wait will be over an hour long!
If your heart is set on that particular restaurant, you may be inclined to sit in the waiting area (or stand depending on how busy the restaurant is) and wait things out. To pass the time and distract yourself from the hunger pangs, pull out your phone!
Rather than making yourself hungrier by scrolling through social media (where there’s bound to be food on display), why not hop into a game of Tetris Blitz? While matches are only 2 minutes, they’re extremely heated. As you focus on beating your last score, time will fly. Then, before you know it, your table is ready!
On Your Lunch Break

Photo Credit: © Electronic Arts
One thing many people love about Tetris Blitz is how easy it is to play with one hand. Even if you prefer to play Tetris Blitz on a tablet, you can rest it on your lap and comfortably progress through the game.
During your lunch break at work, you receive some much needed free time to spend eating or even browsing the net (depending on your company’s policies of course). If you want to keep your mind active while chowing down on a sandwich, load up a game of Tetris Blitz.
It can be fun to snag that high score while eating your lunch, and it gives you some pretty unique bragging rights. Next thing you know, your coworkers will share their lunch scores with you at the end of the day!
If you and your coworkers are friends on Facebook, you can connect your account to Tetris Blitz and stay up-to-date on who has the top score even while you’re at home practicing your Tetris Blitz game. We think this is time well spent, since practice definitely makes perfect when it comes to improving at Tetris!
Long Plane Flight

Photo Credit: © Electronic Arts
If you take frequent trips, you’ll know how dull and uncomfortable plane rides can be. After you pack your luggage the Tetris way, go through security, then board the plane, you’ll find everyone buried in their phones.
Meanwhile, those who aren’t try to avoid making awkward eye contact with the people beside them. If you want to keep yourself busy while you wait for the plane to land, Tetris Blitz is perfect not only because of how quick it is, but because it’s easy to hold onto (even if you experience a little turbulence).
Further, Tetris Blitz is great because it’s easy to play game after game and never get bored. With an assortment of cool Power-Ups and Finishers, you can change the dynamic of the game each time you load up a match. What are Power-Ups and Finishers? Well, they’re unique elements to Tetris Blitz that help you boost your score.
Power-Ups can be used in the middle of the game, with each Power-Up offering its own unique ability that’ll help you secure a nice score boost. Meanwhile, Finishers can be used at the end of the game to increase your score even more! Whether your ETA is 3 hours or 12, there are countless Power-Up and Finisher combos that’ll keep you busy until landing.
At the Gym

Photo Credit: © Electronic Arts
This may seem like a weird place to play Tetris Blitz, but hear us out. Have you ever watched the TV sets above the treadmills during intense cardio sessions? Furthermore, have you ever played a game on your phone while spinning on the elliptical? There are a variety of places at the gym where you can comfortably use your phone to help distract you from the burn of your workout.
Obviously you don’t want to start up a game of Tetris Blitz while you’re lifting weights, but if you want to get a good 30-minute jog on the treadmill, Tetris Blitz can help keep you going for the full workout. Plus, you want your mind to be just as active as your body, and what better way to do that than a few rounds of Tetris Blitz?
There you have it, 5 interesting places where you can enjoy a few rounds (or more) of Tetris Blitz. If you’re looking to give Tetris Blitz a whirl, click here to download Tetris Blitz today!