The Intensity of Online Tetris Matches
No matter how good you think you are at Tetris, there's always someone ready to challenge your skills in a heated online match.
There comes a time in a Tetris player's life when they're ready to show off what they've learned. Sure, you could go up against some friends or family members in a bit of local multiplayer, but that's easy! It's time to take on a true challenge and hop into an online match. When it comes to a humbling Tetris experience, there's nothing better than a few rounds of online multiplayer.
It doesn't matter how many hours of Tetris you've played, or how many different versions you've gone through. You’ll face significant challenges when pitted against other players online. Almost instantly, you're matched up with a competitor who proceeds to blow your mind. In fact, you’ll find yourself in awe of other players quite a bit when playing online.
While playing multiplayer Tetris can be the ultimate teaching tool, it may come at the cost of some personal pride. Without a doubt, you'll start off by losing quite a few matches which makes sense, as there are tons of high level, ultra-skilled Tetris players out there. And, keep in mind, all of these players are eager to show off what they can do.
In this situation, try to use these losses as a learning experience. During each match, you’ll have the opportunity to observe what these fantastic players are doing. You'll have your eyes opened to ways of rotating, placing, and manipulating Tetriminos that you didn't even know existed. All your time playing against the computer won’t be enough to teach you every tactic.

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It’s only when you face off against online competitors that you’re given a brand-new arsenal to try out. With your newfound skills, be sure to keep up with your Tetris practice routine! This can include going offline and facing the computer, or trying your hand at Marathon Mode in a game like Puyo Puyo Tetris.
This is where you can hone your abilities and try out some of the new ideas you saw online. Even the best online players started off by playing against the computer. Now it's your turn to go through the same process, and you'll certainly come out a batter player on the other side. You'll eventually be ready to give online competition another go.
When that moment comes, you're set for some of the best and most exciting rounds of Tetris you'll ever have. The feeling of holding your own against a skilled online opponent is invigorating! Even if you lose, you still know the time you put in practicing was well spent. Online matches are intense and fast-paced, but don't let the challenge discourage you!
What you may not be able to tackle one day could seem like a piece of cake after a couple weeks of practice. Everyone has it in them to be a force to be reckoned with in online multiplayer Tetris. Learn the ropes in offline modes, hop online to see what the competition brings, and then spend some time replicating what you saw.
Before you know it, you'll be able to hang online with the upper echelon in no time. The first step to being an online threat is mastering the Tetris basics. Why not play the free version of Tetris right here on our website?